Saturday, August 16, 2014

BYOBG August 7th

(Bring Your Own Board Game with LADY GEEKs uNITE) too much with the abbreviations?

August 7th we, the lady geeks, converged at Happy Harbor for hours of board game shenanigans! We encouraged people to try games that were new to them with one or two other experienced players. Groups broke off and the games began: the classic Settlers of Catan had players cursing the dice and the surplus of bricks, the sorrowful yet hysterical card game Gloom was perfectly miserable, Pirate Flux seemed to be addictive and had players itching for more, and Smallworld took a little more set up and learning but was a success once everyone got going.

Sylvia Moon also provided a diverse sampling of Indie Comics she has collected over the years from conventions as well as Happy Harbor Comics local comics section..

Artist Alleys, creator booths, small time vendors; all places to find indie comics. Indie comics bring a new taste to the reading palette which can be inviting if you've only been downing fatty junk food superhero comics. Indie comics have no specific genre, they can be about anything and paced at any speed. Creators of indie comics are doing it for themselves, your direct contribution to their endeavour is a bigger gesture to the local comic community than buying another New 52 title. These stories are personal, they take you on journeys into the scene of where ever the indie comic came from, the collected thoughts and manifests of artists, the experimenting they tried. They give you a humanist perspective because these comics are made with love, with no other intention but to tell the author's story. If these reasons alone are not enticing enough to try finding indie comics at the next convention you attend, maybe you're journey into comics is not as deep as you wanted it to be. Indie comics make great additions to collections because maybe that indie comic you picked up from an artist will be the next big read. They're affordable, fun, and unique. 

Some types of indie comics are:
- Ashcan: a short comic printed on standard size paper, folded, with a few staples in the middle
- Booklet: similar to the ashcan but much longer
- Coil bind: with either a plastic coil or metal coil, looks like a scribbler/notebook
- Perfect bind: glued spine, just like a paperback book

So the next time you see an artist with a comic book, give it a flip and maybe you'll see a comic worth reading sans the hype department.

Thank you to everyone who came out and played games with us! We’ll do it again sometime!

Coming Up Next for LADY GEEKs uNITE…

Come and enjoy a free screening of Sailor Moon Crystal on September 4th at 7pm. The beloved story of the celestial Sailor Scouts has been rebooted to follow the source material, the original manga, more closely. Using modern animation the series is being brought to life once again for fans and new audiences to experience. Many adults have fond memories of these heroines who were each unique in personality, strengths, and weaknesses but each relatable on some level to everyone, especially young girls. This free screening is open to life long lady geek fans, lady geeks who have never heard of Sailor Moon before, and junior lady geeks that want to attend with a parent. As always, lady geeks can bring a guest along if they wish! See you in September: Moon Prism Power!