Thursday, February 26, 2015

Coming soon to the LGN meeting near you!

Wondering what's coming up next for LADY GEEKs uNITE? Wonder no longer! 

We are rolling out two NEW events in March and April so you better not miss out. 

After all the creative buzz in the room after our screening of She Makes Comics (January Meeting) we are going to have LGN's first Drink and Draw at PUB 1905 (10525 Jasper Ave). Happy Harbor Comic will be busy setting up for the annual Gilbert Bouchard Memorial Art Show (please be sure to check the installation out March 7th - 19th) Bring whatever you need to draw, write, doodle, or create! This will be an 18+ Event because it's being held at a Pub. So, come on down, have a pint, collaborate or work individually, and just have a good time.
Drink and Draw Facebook event is here RSVP if you can please!

Next, we will be hosting our first ever book club! Join us on April 2nd to discuss SHE HULK Vol. 1 Law and Disorder. 
Want to get into comics or get back into comics? Want to read something new to you? Want to see what this big green lawyer is all about? Join us by reading SHE HULK volume 1 before the meeting and on Thursday April 2nd we will discuss the book. We are offering 20% off SHE-HULK Volume 1 for ladies attending our first meeting. Stop by Happy Harbor and pick up the book and let the staff know you're attending the first ever LGN Book Club!

What’s SHE HULK about? “With a new practice, a new paralegal and a mounting number of super villains she's racking up as personal enemies, She Hulk might have bitten off a little more than she can chew…but she just calls that a Tuesday.

Book club Facebook event click here! RVSP if you can please!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Crafts? SNOW problem!

LADY GEEKs uNITE braved the freshly fallen dump of snow and we had a great turn out for our craft night.

Oodles of craft supplies were provided by us organizers and attendees as well! So, first of all a big thanks to everyone who made it out and also to those who shared their nifty supplies.

All kinds of geekery exploded on to unique hand made valentines day cards. Many of the LGN members made cards for their children, significant others, best friends, coworkers, and even for themselves.

Photo from @MissSerena 

Stay tuned, next month we relocate because the Happy Harbor Gilbert Bouchard Memorial Art show will be getting installed, very exciting! So, we will post details about our March 5th meeting soon!